There are more than 35,000 people living in over 500 residential land lease communities across NSW.

In a residential land lease community, you own the home you live in, but lease the land from the community operator.

The NSW Government is reviewing the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013. These laws cover permanent sites in caravan and residential parks and set out the rights and responsibilities of residents and operators.

This is a standard review that happens five years after laws are first introduced to see how well they are working. Your feedback will help make sure the laws are still appropriate for people living and working in residential communities and that they are fair for everyone.

For more information about the review, read the discussion paper.

Tell us what you think

To have your say, take the quick poll and complete our survey.

You can also share your stories or upload a written submission.

Thank you for your feedback

This engagement closed on 15 March 2021. Thank you to participants for providing your input.

For the consultation findings, access the report on the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013 Statutory Review. The final outcome of this consultation is new laws for residential land lease communities. The changes in these laws are listed below.

Final outcomes

Consultation informed the statutory review of the Residential Land Lease Communities Act 2013 (the Act). Twenty-one of the 48 recommendations made by that review are implemented by the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Amendment Act 2024 (the Amendment Act). The Amendment Act was passed by Parliament on 21 June 2024, and changes come into effect in September and December 2024.

The changes include:

  • improving clarity and transparency for residents in relation to site fees increases
  • setting a new price cap for electricity pricing in communities with embedded networks
  • introducing new utility billing requirements
  • clarifying the rights and obligations of residents and operators (for example, homeowners can install door screens and window locks without the operator’s consent)
  • enhancing emergency procedure testing requirements
  • requiring operators to give notice of development applications and planning proposals they intend to lodge
  • improving voluntary sharing arrangements
  • increased notification time for ending an agreement where a residential site cannot be used as a residence anymore.

The new laws except the utility billing requirements will start on 25 September 2024.

The utility billing requirements (for example issuing a bill for utility charges at least once every three months) will start on 11 December 2024.

More information is on the New laws for residential land lease communities page on the NSW Fair Trading website.


Consultation informed the statutory review of the Residential Land Lease Communities Act 2013 (the Act). Twenty-one of the 48 recommendations made by that review are implemented by the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Amendment Act 2024 (the Amendment Act). The Amendment Act was passed by Parliament on 21 June 2024, and changes come into effect in September and December 2024.

The changes include:

  • improving clarity and transparency for residents in relation to site fees increases
  • setting a new price cap for electricity pricing in communities with embedded networks
  • introducing new utility billing requirements
  • clarifying the rights and obligations of residents and operators (for example, homeowners can install door screens and window locks without the operator’s consent)
  • enhancing emergency procedure testing requirements
  • requiring operators to give notice of development applications and planning proposals they intend to lodge
  • improving voluntary sharing arrangements
  • increased notification time for ending an agreement where a residential site cannot be used as a residence anymore.

The new laws except the utility billing requirements will start on 25 September 2024.

The utility billing requirements (for example issuing a bill for utility charges at least once every three months) will start on 11 December 2024.

More information is on the New laws for residential land lease communities page on the NSW Fair Trading website.

This survey has closed. Thank you for your feedback.

Upload a submission

Submissions are closed. Thank you for your feedback.

Share your stories

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Share your stories

We want to hear about your experience of living in a residential land lease communities.

Tell us about any issues you've had with:

  • buying or renting your home
  • maintenance and repairs
  • site fees
  • utilities
  • resolving disputes
  • selling your home.

NOTE: Please be careful not to name individuals or specific residential land lease communities.
Stories that share names or personal information will not be published.

Quick poll

Quick Poll

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This poll has concluded.

  • Very positive
    22% (35 votes)
  • Positive
    32% (50 votes)
  • Neutral
    11% (18 votes)
  • Negative
    22% (35 votes)
  • Very negative
    13% (20 votes)
Total Votes: 158