Have your say to help improve work health and safety
SafeWork NSW is reviewing the Code of Practice – Work Near Overhead Power Lines to make sure it is still relevant and supports current and emerging work practices and technologies. We are asking for your help to do it.
The Code of Practice – Work Near Overhead Power Lines should be easy to understand. It also gives practical guidance to protect the health and safety of people working near overhead power lines and associated electrical apparatus.
Tell us what you think
We want to hear from employers, self-employed people, employees, employee representatives, contractors and anyone involved in managing electrical risks associated with work near overhead power lines.
Your feedback and suggestions will help ensure the code of practice reflects current work health and safety laws, factors in changes in technology and protects workers and the community.
Consultation is open until 5pm (NSW time) on 19 June 2023.
Thank you for your feedback
We are reviewing all submitted feedback and comments, alongside any other consultation that has taken place as part of this review.
For updates on this consultation please check back here, or sign up for our emails to stay informed.
Complete our survey
This survey has concluded.
Upload a submission
Upload a submission
This engagement is now closed. Thank you for participating and sharing your feedback and comments.
Upload your Word or PDF written submission before 5pm on 19 June 2023.
You are welcome to comment on any topic relating to the code of practice. This includes:
- Is the existing scope of the code of practice still appropriate?
- Is this code of practice still required?
- What changes have occurred in technology, working environment or day-to-day work practices since this code of practice was published?
- Are there any other work health and safety issues, hazards or risks you think should be considered in this code of practice?
- What, if any, emerging issues, future challenges or technological changes should be included in this code of practice?
- What existing guidance material or industry specific information provides the same, or better advice, than the code of practice?
Your privacy
Privacy collection notice
Have your say consultations are run by the NSW Department of Customer Service (McKell Building, 2-4 Rawson Place, Haymarket NSW 2000).
We are interested in hearing from the community and will use the information we collect from you to help develop the programs and services that NSW Government provides.
We are collecting only minimal personal information from you. We may collect basic information like your name and contact details, if you choose to provide them. You may provide some personal information in response to questions that we ask you. For example, we may ask you about your experiences or opinions about a particular topic.
Having your say is voluntary and you are not legally required to provide any personal information to us. For some consultations, though, you will not be able to have your say unless you agree to include your personal information.
If you do provide personal information to us, you have a right to access it, and can ask us to correct it if it is wrong.
We may share personal information you provide with other parts of the Department of Customer Service (for example, with our Data Analytics Centre) so that we can conduct analysis across all consultations and refine our engagement methodology.
Where we conduct a consultation with or on behalf of a partner agency, we would usually share the information that we collect with that agency. In this instance, we are running this consultation with:
- The Department of Customer Service (SafeWork NSW)
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You can contact our Privacy Coordinator by calling 13 77 88 or by emailing Privacy@customerservice.nsw.gov.au.