Tell us what you think about our Plan. Take our survey and share your thoughts.
In the South-East and Tablelands, we are paving the way for a transport system that reflects the unique character and needs of the region.
The Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan (SRITP) for South East and Tablelands will provide a 20-year vision of the key transport priorities for the region. It will offer an integrated planning approach to transport infrastructure and services in the region, reflecting the diverse and changing transport needs of regional communities, and providing coordinated solutions.
The Draft South East and Tablelands SRITP is now available for feedback and we are inviting the community and stakeholders to have their say on the plan and its proposed initiatives. Feedback will help us refine the draft by understanding what is important to you and if we have missed anything.
We appreciate you may not have read the Draft Plan, so we have designed a quick survey to easily provide your feedback. You can pick which themes relate best to your concerns or ideas and tell us what you think about the initiatives we’ve identified.
Transport for NSW representatives will be out in the region during the consultation period to talk about the South East and Tablelands SRITP and answer your questions.
Further details will be provided as we confirm dates and locations. If you would like to be kept informed, please subscribe for updates here.
Tell us what you think about our Plan. Take our survey and share your thoughts.
We want to know your thoughts. Upload your submission with your feedback on the Draft South East and Tablelands Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan.
Review our objectives and initiatives and tell us where you think could most benefit.
Explore our interactive maps and dashboards and learn more about your region.
The draft SRITP for the South East and Tablelands builds on the extensive work already carried out on the former Regional Transport Plan, and incorporates input received from key stakeholders and the community during 2024.
Several key themes emerged from this early engagement and helped inform the SRITP’s objectives. These objectives support how we will achieve the strategic transport vision for the South East and Tablelands.
View the Early Engagement Report to find out what we have heard.
There are seven objectives of the South East and Tablelands Draft Strategic regional Integrated Transport Plan.
Starting with Country and Closing the Gap
All investment in the transport network, services, policy, and technology take a Country-centred approach.
Access to transport for all
A transport network that provides a range of travel choices to all people living and working in, or visiting the region.
A safe transport network
Reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the transport and water network .
Well located housing and successful places
Support the delivery of housing and successful places through sustainable transport options to address growth in the South East and Tablelands .
A thriving and diversifying economy
Provide an efficient transport network to support a diverse and growing economy including tourism, agribusiness, and the movement of freight .
Resilient networks
Reduce the impact of transport network shocks and stresses to service interruptions and proactively plan for future impacts.
Net Zero Emissions
Contribute to the Net Zero emissions 2050 target.
Seamless borders
Remove barriers to access of health, education, and services across our borders
A list of more than 50 actions and initiatives have been identified to respond to the objectives and challenges of the region.
These initiatives are a mixture of small and large infrastructure projects, programs, service improvements, and policy changes – in the short, medium, or long term. The initiatives can be viewed at the back of the Draft Plan, or you can comment on them in the survey.
Feedback received during public consultation will be reviewed and a consultation summary report will be prepared and published. Feedback will also be considered to further refine the Plan, with the final Plan expected to be delivered in 2025.
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