Transport for NSW is seeking feedback from the road freight industry about rest stopping needs in Western Sydney to help shape future proposals.

The NSW Government recognises the need for more heavy vehicle rest stops in NSW, including within the Western Sydney area, and is committed to improving the quantity and quality of heavy vehicle rest stops in NSW in collaboration with the road freight industry.

We want to hear from you

To explore options for a proposed rest area, Transport for NSW is seeking feedback from the road freight industry and heavy vehicle drivers on:

  • Potential locations in Western Sydney
  • Services and amenities to meet current and future rest stopping needs
  • Services or amenities the road freight industry would be willing to consider entering a user pays model
  • Oversize, overmass and dangerous goods considerations for rest stopping in Western Sydney.

You can tell us what you think by completing the survey below to help us understand your priorities for a proposed heavy vehicle rest area in Western Sydney.

Thank you for your feedback

Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts and ideas. The Western Sydney Heavy Vehicle Rest Stop Engagement Report provides an overview of consultation undertaken with the road freight industry between September and October 2023 and the resulting feedback.

The feedback in this report will be used by Transport for NSW to inform design and location options for a new dedicated heavy vehicle rest area in Western Sydney.

As with all Transport for NSW proposals and potential developments, the Western Sydney heavy vehicle rest area is subject to a rigorous business case assessment process and allocation of funding at each stage.

The Heavy Vehicle Rest Stop Engagement Report is available to view online.

Complete a survey

This survey is closed. Thank you for your feedback.