In NSW, landlords can refuse to allow a tenant to keep a pet without providing a reason - unless it’s an assistance animal.
In other states and territories, rules have recently changed to make it easier for tenants to keep pets in rental homes. We’d like your feedback on the current rules in NSW and whether they should also be changed.
We want to hear from tenants, property managers, landlords and anyone interested in this topic.
Tell us what you think
Your feedback will help us understand how changing these rules will affect property owners and their tenants.
You can have your say by answering a quick poll, completing a survey or writing a submission.
For information and suggested questions that may help with your responses, download our consultation paper.
Public consultation is open until 5 pm Friday, 2 December 2022.
Thank you for your feedback
This engagement is now closed. Thank you to participants for providing your input which we are currently reviewing.
Quick poll
Quick Poll
Should it be easier for renters to keep pets in their home?
This poll has concluded.
- Yes 87% (15656 votes)
- No 13% (2362 votes)
Take the survey
This engagement has now closed. Thank you for participating and sharing your feedback and comments.
Upload a submission
Upload a submission
Submissions for this consultation have closed.
Submissions closed 5 pm Friday, 2 December 2022
Anyone can provide a submission. The consultation paper has questions which can help guide you.
Your submission can be in Word or PDF format.
All submissions will be made publicly available on this consultation page. If you do not want your personal details or any part of your submission published, indicate this clearly below. Automatically generated confidentiality statements are not sufficient. Submissions may be referred to in a report on the outcome of the consultation, however any anonymous submissions will be referred to as such.
Please note, even if you state that you do not wish us to publish certain information, we may need to release that information by law. For example, to comply with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Other ways to have your say
Other ways to have your say
This engagement has concluded.
Email your ideas, suggestions or a written submission to:
Mail your submission to:
Residential Tenancies – Pets in Tenancies Consultation
Policy & Strategy, Better Regulation Division
Department of Customer Service
4 Parramatta Square
12 Darcy Street
Parramatta NSW 2150
All submissions will be made publicly available on this consultation page. If you do not want your personal details or any part of your submission published, please indicate this clearly. Automatically generated confidentiality statements are not sufficient.
Please note, even if you state that you do not wish us to publish certain information, we may need to release that information by law. For example, to comply with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy collection notice
Privacy collection notice
This consultation is for NSW Fair Trading.
Have your say consultations are run by the NSW Department of Customer Service (McKell Building, 2-4 Rawson Place, Haymarket NSW 2000).
We are interested in hearing from the community and will use the information we collect from you to help develop the programs and services that NSW Government provides.
We are collecting only minimal personal information from you. We may collect basic information like your name and contact details, if you choose to provide them. You may provide some personal information in response to questions that we ask you. For example, we may ask you about your experiences or opinions about a particular topic.
Having your say is voluntary and you are not legally required to provide any personal information to us. For some consultations, though, you will not be able to have your say unless you agree to include your personal information.
If you do provide personal information to us, you have a right to access it, and can ask us to correct it if it is wrong.
We may share personal information you provide with other parts of the Department of Customer Service (for example, with our Data Analytics Centre) so that we can conduct analysis across all consultations and refine our engagement methodology.
Where we conduct a consultation on behalf of a partner agency, we would usually share the information that we collect with that agency. Partner agencies for each consultation are listed on the webpage for that consultation.
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