Help shape the strategy for women to get good jobs and study opportunities close to home.
We want to make it easier for more women to be involved in the industries of the future and those where NSW has a comparative advantage. One way to do this is to help more women participate in globally competitive industries.
Give your views on the Women in Innovation Precincts Strategy, and help champion equality, diversity, and women’s economic participation in places closer to home. The strategy is being developed by the Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade.
Opportunies and what we propose to do
Innovation precincts present excellent opportunities to improve women’s participation, including:
- Addressing women's participation through a community building and infrastructure strategy
- Introducing a toolkit for precincts to evaluate their performance on women’s participation against the key pillars of the strategy.
You can read more about these in our discussion paper.
Have Your Say
Share your submission, tell us your story and idea to shape the Women in Innovation Precincts (WIIP) Strategy.
You may wish to refer to the discussion paper to help you prepare your feedback.
Thank you for your feedback
This consultation is now closed. Thank you for participating. We are currently reviewing your feedback.
Make a submission
This consultation is now closed. Thanks to all who shared their submission.