The Paintball Regulation 2019 (the Regulation) ends on 1 September 2024 unless it is remade, with or without changes.

The NSW Government is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Regulation. These include:

  • processes to apply to use paintball markers outside authorised venues
  • clarifying the information required to identify a paintball marker without a serial number
  • defining processes to dispose of paintball markers
  • introducing a new ground to refuse, suspend or cancel a permit
  • introducing new penalty amounts for failing to show permits and for unlawfully disposing of a paintball marker
  • updating fees in line with the Consumer Price Index.

For more information, refer to the Paintball Regulation 2024 Regulatory Impact Statement and draft regulation.

The remade regulation will support the Paintball Amendment Act 2023.

Tell us what you think

Have your say by completing a survey or make a submission before Friday 5 July 2024. Your feedback will inform changes to the draft Regulation and help ensure it meets the needs of the paintball industry and the community.

Complete a survey

This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Make a submission

You can type or upload a written submission in Word or PDF format.

Submissions may be made publicly available.

If you do not want your personal details or any part of your submission published, please indicate this clearly. We may still refer to your anonymous submission in reports. Automatically generated confidentiality statements in emails are not sufficient.

There may be times when we're required to release the information in your submission, under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, for example. It's a statutory requirement to provide submissions to the Legislation Review Committee of Parliament.