Help us understand your current and future needs as customers of Revenue NSW

Our job is to make it easy for you to understand and comply with your obligations. We can help you with information and support if you’re:

  • paying taxes, duties, levies, fines, fees or royalties
  • buying or selling property: grants, taxes, duties and housing affordability measures
  • applying for first home benefits
  • finding and claiming unclaimed money.

Have your say

Your feedback will help inform our customer strategy and what we need to do to achieve the NSW Government's goal of becoming the world’s most customer-centric government by 2030.

We are inviting your feedback on how we can improve your customer experience with us in the next decade. There are different ways for you to provide us your feedback. Feel free to check out our poll questions, ideas board and short survey.

Thank you for your feedback

This engagement is now closed. Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts and ideas. We are currently reviewing your feedback.

Complete a survey

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Quick poll

Quick Poll

Which of the following do you want us to prioritise over the next decade?

This poll has concluded.

  • The technology we use to help our customers
    56% (10 votes)
  • Disaster and Hardship Support
    28% (5 votes)
  • Address specific needs of our CALD, LGBTQI and First Nations customers
    17% (3 votes)
Total Votes: 18