We want your input into NSW Health's first Net Zero Roadmap to help reduce our carbon footprint and ensure the sustainability of our healthcare system.

The Net Zero Roadmap 2024-2030 will set the priority areas for NSW Health over the next 6 years and provide a blueprint for how our system will achieve the NSW Government’s net zero targets.

NSW Parliament passed the Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act 2023 legislating net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, as well as 50% reduction by 2030, and a 70% reduction by 2035 (based on 2005 GHG emissions).

Tell us what you think

Have your say on how we can work together towards a low-carbon, climate resilient healthcare system.

We want to hear from you if you:

  • Work in NSW Health (staff both clinical and non-clinical),
  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Have lived experience, including consumers, carers, families and community members
  • Receive care in NSW

Share your feedback by completing the survey below until Friday 31 May 2024.

Your input will give NSW Health valuable information to ensure the Net Zero Roadmap meets the needs of the future.

Watch the introductory video from Mr Matthew Daly, Deputy Secretary, System Sustainability and Performance

Your ideas

How could NSW Health provide healthcare in more environmentally sustainable ways?

This consultation is now closed for analysis as we review what you have told us.

31 May, 2024

JacquieMyers says:

Green energy projects as in solar generation on site, battery storage, and also look at wind generation for hospitals and health facilities

31 May, 2024

JacquieMyers says:

Employe qualified Environmental scientist or officers for these position in Health, who will research and apply environmental & sustainable

31 May, 2024

JacquieMyers says:

NSW MoH join Globally Green Health Hospitals & Climate Health Alliance. Most of the research and planning has been done.

31 May, 2024

TinaWilkie says:

Expand ++ Net Zero Leads: protected time for clinical staff to lead clinical sustainably projects - linked with local sustainability units.

31 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

The most cost-effective health-protective plan is to promote and protect breastfeeding by implementing the National Breastfeeding Strategy.

29 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Allow clinicians to complete their non-clinical work sessions from home, saving many kilometres unnecessarily travelled by car.

29 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

fund sustainable positions in EVERY LHD

29 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Mandate recycling water bottles and plastics that can be recycled in hospital services. Mandate projects that are working!

28 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Free public transport for staff and people travelling to healthcare appointments to incentivise public transport. Use local food in hospital

28 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Every unit / department needs to have a funded dedicated sustainability officer 1 day / week; grassroots change is imperative

25 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Ditch the reliance on plastic water bottles: transition back to tapwater, reusable cups and jugs where water quality and supply is fine.

25 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Every service needs protected time for a green team champion (eg 0.2 FTE) with support from management to meet sustainability KPIs

25 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

100% renewable energy ASAP, EV fleet cars and compost food scraps from patient and staff food eg with compost muncher machines

24 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

NSW Health must provide depts with additional resources to achieve netzero and does not expect us to achieve netzero using existing budgets.

19 May, 2024

JB71 says:

NSW Health must provide depts with additional resources to achieve netzero and does not expect us to achieve netzero using existing budgets.

17 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Stop requiring staff to change every time they leave the operating suite. This results in staff wearing several pairs of scrubs per day.

17 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Use multi-use blood pressure cuffs in theatre, rather than single use disposable cuffs.

17 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Dismiss the WSLHD policy of sterile gloves for ALL peripheral cannulas. This is wasteful and not evidence based.

16 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Recycling for expired RAT tests

16 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Have a central location where uniforms can be assessed for secondhand sale (online) or recycling.

16 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Provide a pathway for transferring expired products (those that would still be effective) to other services (here or OS) eg hand sanitiser

15 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Provide e-vehicle charging stations for staff especially where new hospital designs/plans are being proposed.

6 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Giving all patients a reusable water bottle and coffee cup on admission to encourage use of taps and reduce single use plastic

4 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Allow and encourage work from home for CNCs NPs and medical consultants when they do not need to be patient facing - use Telehealth more!

Complete a survey