Transport for NSW is seeking feedback on the draft Guide to Transport Impact Assessment.

The draft guide is a proposed update to the Guide to Traffic Generating Developments (2002), the current guidelines for assessing transport impacts of proposed developments in NSW.

It aims to provide up-to-date guidance for transport practitioners, consent authorities, local councils, and specialist consultancy firms who work with development applications. Key updates include consideration of the wider multimodal transport network, context-based parking rates, updated trip rates, and guidance for travel demand management and Transport Impact Statements.

Tell us what you think

We want to hear from all members of the industry, in particular those who work with transport impact assessments and development applications.

Share your thoughts on the draft guide by completing a survey or upload a submission. Please ensure you have downloaded and read the draft guide before providing feedback.

For more information please see the Frequently asked questions and Key changes summary.

Your feedback will inform the finalisation of the draft guide.

This consultation is open for feedback until 5pm Friday 31 May 2024.

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