On this page:

Glossary of key terms

Circumstances of domestic violence

Competent person

Competent person declaration / Domestic violence declaration

Current list of competent persons

Dependent child

Domestic Violence Order (DVO)

Domestic violence termination notice

Family law injunction

Relevant domestic violence offender

The Act

The Tribunal

Glossary of key terms

Please note: The terms and descriptions in this glossary are based on current provisions in the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 and are provided for the purposes of this consultation on the statutory review of the NSW domestic violence rental laws only.

Circumstances of domestic violence

In the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, a person is considered to be in circumstances of domestic violence if the person:

Competent person

A person authorised to provide a domestic violence declaration. The current list of competent persons is set out in section 105A section 105A (External link)of the Act.

Competent person declaration / Domestic violence declaration

A declaration by a competent person that a tenant, or a tenant’s dependent child, is a victim of domestic violence perpetrated by the relevant domestic violence offender during the residential tenancy agreement.

Current list of competent persons

Dependent child

For a tenant, this is a child who is an occupant (either permanently or from time-to-time) and who is wholly or partly dependent for support on the tenant.

Domestic Violence Order (DVO)

A local DVO, interstate DVO, or foreign order, within the meaning of Part 13BPart 13B(External link) of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007(External link)Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007(External link) that is in force.

Domestic violence termination notice

A domestic violence termination notice that may be given by a tenant under section 105B(1)105B(1)(External link) of the Act.

Family law injunction

An injunction under section 68B or 114 of the Family Law Act 1975 (Commonwealth)(External link)Family Law Act 1975 (Commonwealth)(External link) (Family Law Act) that has been granted on the basis of evidence of family violence (which has the same meaning as in the Family Law ActFamily Law Act(External link)) in proceedings against a relevant domestic violence offender and is in force.

Relevant domestic violence offender

This is:

The Act

The Residential Tenancies Act 2010(External link)Residential Tenancies Act 2010(External link).

The Tribunal

The NSW Civil and Administrative TribunalNSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal(External link), an independent body that hears and decides on applications for orders from tenants and landlords.