Share your ideas on designing a levy to fund the regulation of dam safety in NSW.

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has been authorised to investigate the efficient costs of Dams Safety NSW (DSNSW) carrying out its work under the Dams Safety Act 2015.

DSNSW is an independent regulatory body that ensures declared dam owners manage the safety of their dams. This review will design a levy to recover the efficient costs of the services DSNSW provides from dam owners.

IPART has published a Draft Report outlining its proposed decisions.

Tell us what you think

IPART welcomes feedback on the Draft Report. We want to hear from owners of declared dams such as local councils, state-owned corporations and mining operators, as well as any other interested stakeholders.

You can respond until 19 August 2024 by:

  • sharing your idea, and/or
  • making a submission.

IPART is also hosting an online Public Hearing to hear views on 5 August 2024. For more information, please visit IPART's website.

Share your idea

Share your ideas on designing a levy to fund the regulation of dam safety in NSW. (max 140 characters).

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Make a submission

We want to hear from owners of declared dams and interested stakeholders on the following:

  • Do you agree with the categories of costs we included in the levy?
  • Is a levy based on consequence category a fair way of allocating costs between dam owners?
  • Should overhead costs be shared equally by all dam owners, or should they be apportioned on the same basis as labour costs (i.e., based on consequence category)?
  • How frequently should the levy be reviewed? What factors should be considered at these reviews?
  • What performance metrics should DSNSW publicly report on?
  • What information would give you confidence that DSNSW is using its funds efficiently?

IPART may publish information collected through this site, including free text responses in line with IPART’s Submissions Policy. We will not publish information that identifies, or could be used to identify, individuals or organisations.

Please go to IPART's website to make a submission.