The Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) wants your input on the development of the Community and Employment Benefit Program (the Program), which will deliver benefits to regional communities hosting new energy infrastructure.

The Program will invest millions of dollars into regional communities to share the benefits of the renewable energy transition and ensure they are left better off than they were before.

We know that local people who live and work in regional NSW know whats best for their community.

EnergyCo is consulting with local communities, councils, First Nations people and other stakeholders to identify and prioritise the types of initiatives they would like to see delivered in their regions.

EnergyCo hosted an online webinar on 5 February 2024 to provide an update on the Program, outline community priorities we have heard so far, and to hold a Q&A session with community members. The webinar was recorded and is available here.

Tell us what you think

Have your say on the benefits that you think should be delivered in your community by completing EnergyCo’s online survey. The survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

This survey is open for members of the Central-West Orana community.

Your feedback is much appreciated and will help the NSW Government refine the Program so that it reflects the priorities of the Central-West Orana region

You can complete the survey until 10 March 2024.

About EnergyCo

Complete a survey