Help us deliver career services that meet the needs of school students, their carers, teachers and advisors.
Following the announcement of the establishment of Careers NSW in March 2021, the NSW Government consulted career experts and the state's residents to identify career development needs and priorities.
The results of this consultation informed the creation of the Careers NSW pilot program which was launched on 3 November 2021. Please read the latest update on the pilot here.
We are now working on the planning and delivery of phase 2 of the Careers NSW initiative. This will be a trial of school-based career advice services for students and their career advisors starting in Term 2, 2022.
Have your say
We are seeking your valuable input on the specific career advice needs of school students and their parents, carers, teachers and career advisors.
Your feedback will help us deliver an essential school-based career advisory service in NSW.
There are a lot of ways to contribute to the development of this innovative new service. Do a quick poll, complete the survey, share ideas or ask a question. You can participate in as many ways as you choose.
This will be one of many consultations that will take place to inform the planning and delivery of phase 2 of the Careers NSW initiative.
Thank you for your feedback
This engagement is now closed. Thank you to participants for providing your input and ideas which we are currently reviewing.
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When is the most appropriate time to introduce career advice to an individual’s education?
This poll has concluded.