Help us uncover the stories and events that have shaped our history by nominating in the Blue Plaques program.

Blue plaques are installed at publicly accessible places throughout NSW and bring to life the amazing stories of people and events that have shaped our state.

Do you know of a person, group or event that deserves to be immortalised with a blue plaque?

We are looking for people and events to be nominated (locations or structures will not be considered).

Don't miss your chance to help make history!

Have your say

Submit a nomination completing the form below until Sunday 30 June 2024.

The nomination guidelines can be found here.

Your input will help to celebrate the unsung heroes and lesser-known events of our past, connecting communities with their heritage.

Visit our website to see what plaques have already been nominated. You can also vote on previously submitted People's Choice nominations below.

Submit a nomination

People's Choice