Liquor & Gaming NSW seeks your feedback on the laws relating to racing and wagering in NSW.

In NSW, businesses conducting wagering and racing are regulated by the:

  • Betting and Racing Act 1998 and Betting and Racing Regulation 2012
  • Totalizator Act 1997 and Totalizator Regulation 2012.

The current Regulations will be repealed on 1 September 2022. Remaking the Regulations that support these Acts lets us consider public input on how to improve, modernise and streamline the laws so they continue to work effectively.

The proposed Regulations keep many of the existing rules for businesses conducting wagering and racing activities, but are updated to improve clarity, logic and flow. In addition to this, some of the key changes include:

  • strengthening harm minimisation principles and responsible gambling practices, such as specifying some inducements
  • improving compliance – for example, introducing certain penalty notices for the first time
  • adjusting fee collection annually for inflation
  • changes to the way totalizator betting service providers notify the Minister.

For more information and a deeper understanding the proposed changes, the following documents are available:

Betting and Racing Regulation

Totalizator Regulation

We want to hear from people interested in wagering and racing reforms. Whether you are a member of the public, represent legal rights, health and community group or association, local council, betting service provider, industry peak body and association member, or a racing and sport controlling body member, we’d like to know your views.

Your feedback/submission will help us better understand the impact of the proposed changes on industry, community and government.


Thank you to all stakeholders for providing feedback to Liquor & Gaming NSW. The project team has considered feedback received and made necessary changes to the draft Regulations.

The finalised Betting & Racing Regulation 2022 and Totalizator Regulation 2022 have been approved by the Executive Council. Both Regulations have commenced on 1 September 2022, replacing the now repealed Betting & Racing Regulation 2012 and Totalizator Regulation 2012.

PDF copies of the new Regulations have been uploaded to this page and are also available at

Submissions from stakeholders who have consented to their submissions being made public have been uploaded to this page.

Finalised and Approved Regulations:


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